We've Got Your Back in the Love Game!

Dealing with rejection in online matchmaking: How to move on and keep searching for the right partner
Whether you’re new to online matchmaking or have been struggling with repeated rejection, the insights in this article can help you stay positive and focused on finding love.

The Role of Family in Indian-American Marriages: Balancing Independence and cultural expectations
Let’s unveil how putting yourself in your partner’s shoes can take your relationship can deepen your connection with your partner. So, ready for a wild ride?

Popular entry songs that will make heads turn at the wedding
Let’s unveil how putting yourself in your partner’s shoes can take your relationship can deepen your connection with your partner. So, ready for a wild ride?

Tips for Practicing Empathy in Your Relationship
Let’s unveil how putting yourself in your partner’s shoes can take your relationship can deepen your connection with your partner. So, ready for a wild ride?

5 Heartwarming Ways to Propose to Someone You Love
5 heartwarming proposal ideas from The Auntie Network, a matchmaking app that helps you find matches for your children. Plan a memorable proposal today!

Help Your Child Make The Right Life Choices & Find the Right Life Partner
Want to help your child make the right choices in life? We provide tips for guiding your child to make good decisions and find the right life partner.

Quick Facts to Help Parents Guide Their Children in Choosing a Spouse
Want to know more about how to help your children choose a spouse? The Auntie Network offers these quick facts to help you find the perfect match for your child.

Online Dating: Secret to finding the Perfect Match
Choosing the right life partner is a blessing. Know the secrets of online match-making services and with The Auntie Network, you can find your fairytale partner online.

Choosing the Right Person – Tips and Advice from Experts
Choosing the right partner is one of the most important parts of your life. Get advice and tips from experts to help you decide. If nothing else works, The Auntie Network is always there to help you out!

What Are Some Ways To Help Your Children Choose A Spouse?
Helping your child find a spouse need not be a painstaking task anymore. Here are a few ways to get started with helping your child find the right life partner.

A Complete Guide To Destination Weddings
When you have found the perfect match online through The Auntie Network and have a destination wedding on your mind, this guide is your to-go!

Why Are Online Sites Becoming The Preferred Choice For Finding A Potential Match
Meeting a prospective partner can be a daunting task. But when you know how to navigate these tough terrains, things get easier. Read on to know more.

Things To Consider Before Meeting A Prospective Partner
Meeting a prospective partner can be a daunting task. But when you know how to navigate these tough terrains, things get easier. Read on to know more.

What Does Marriage Mean To Millennials
The textbook definition of marriage has changed. From being an economic arrangement to being an institution based on compatibility on various levels, millennials have redefined what marriage means to them.

The Role Of The Family In Helping You Choose A Life Partner
The Auntie Network is a dating app for desi parents that helps parents find the right partners for their child.

The Auntie Network’s In Person Debut!
Last month, The Auntie Network made our first time ever, in person debut at the 8th annual DFW South Asian Film Festival. We were able to share demo videos of the platform and sign up users for early access.

The Auntie Network
The dating app for parents. Because… Auntie knows best! Marriage is an integral part our culture and a common bond for families which we hope passes down to our children and subsequently future generations.